Issue - decisions

Performance and Financial Review - Second Quarter 2011/2012

07/11/2011 - Performance and Financial Review - Second Quarter 2011/2012

A report by the Deputy Chief Executive/Director of Finance set out performance of the Councils Corporate Plan 2011-14 for July to September 2011, and provided members with an overview of performance, resource and risk monitoring.


The report also provided requested amendments to Corporate Plan projects and indicators for Cabinet approval.


The Deputy Director of Finance, David Taylor-Smith was in attendance at the meeting and made a presentation on Performance against the Corporate Plan.  He provided a corporate overview and covered in great detail sickness absence and customer feedback.


Councillor Steve Foulkes informed that he had found the format of the presentation quite refreshing and easy to understand.  It was a reasonable shot at how the Council was operating  He had been informed that this was the work of Carol Sharatt, Office Manager, Corporate Planning Engagement and Communication Performance Management.  He also congratulated Mr Smith on the delivery of the presentation.




(1)  the Cabinet note the contents of this report and and the presentation and requested that appropriate action be taken to address the issues raised;


(2)  the Cabinet approve the changes to the timescales for delivering the Corporate Plan projects and indicators identified within this report; and


(3)  a note be sent to Ms Sharratt, on behalf of the Cabinet, thanking her for her work on the presentation which had been much appreciated.