Issue - decisions

Consultation process for the sustainable community strategy

01/10/2008 - Consultation process for the sustainable community strategy

The Chief Executive reported on the statutory requirement relating to the production of a Sustainable Community Strategy for Wirral by the Local Strategic Partnership and described the progress to date in developing that key document.  In view of the Council’s leadership role in relation to strategic planning at a borough-wide level, through the Local Strategic Partnership, the Cabinet was asked to endorse the draft version of the Sustainable Community Strategy, attached as Appendix 1, for the purposes of consultation with partners and the community, and to agree the proposed consultation timetable set out Appendix 2.


He explained that sustainable communities were places in which people wished to live, now and in the future.  They embodied the principles of sustainable development at the local level. That meant they improved quality of life for all whilst safeguarding the environment for future generations.  The UK Government’s Sustainable Development Strategy, “Securing the Future”, had been published in March 2005 and included the Government’s definition and components of a sustainable community:

- to balance and integrate social, economic and environmental components of their community;

 - to meet the needs of existing and future generations;

 - to respect the need of other communities, in the wider region or internationally, also to make their communities sustainable.

The Local Government Act 2007 required every local authority to develop a ‘sustainable’ community strategy.


Resolved – That -


(1)  the Draft Strategy (Appendix 1 to the report) be endorsed, to be used for the purposes of consultation with key partners and the public;


(2)  the proposed timetable for consultation and approval of the sustainable community strategy (Appendix 2) be approved; and


(3)  delegated authority be given to the Chief Executive, in consultation with the Leader of the Council, to approve any changes to the document arising from the initial consultation with partners, prior to the commencement of the public consultation period in mid-October 2008.