Issue - decisions

Primary Places Review - Phase 5

22/10/2008 - Primary School Places Review - Phase 5

The Director of Children’s Services presented a report which provided a summary of the current position in respect of primary school places, developments resulting from previous phases of the Review, and issues for the future. It sought Cabinet’s approval for further phases of area reviews involving schools and stakeholders to identify any further opportunities for the removal of surplus places, taking into account the impact of the forthcoming Primary Capital Strategy programme. The report also identified the programme from a Value for Money perspective. In relation to a previous phase, the report sought Cabinet’s approval to an amendment to the potential implementation date for the proposed closure of Arrowe Hill Primary School.

The Cabinet Member for Children’s Services and Lifelong Learning referred to the reductions in numbers forecast for school roles over the next few years and indicated that the purpose of the review was to use public money effectively.

Resolved - That

(1)  a renewed approval be given to the principle of area reviews to study current primary school provision in order to match future needs and support the opportunity for transformational change provided by the Primary Capital Strategy;

(2) approval be given to the sequence of planning areas to be examined in each new Review phase;

(3) the principle whereby a Review can be initiated where a school’s roll collapses, or a school is placed in an Ofsted category of concern, be approved; and

(4)  approval be given for the amendment of the implementation date for the proposed closure of Arrowe Hill Primary School to 31st August 2009.