Issue - decisions

Q2 Corporate Performance Report


The Chief Executive presented one of a series of reports submitted throughout the year presenting an overview of the performance of the council in delivering the vision for Wirral as set out in the corporate plan and covered the second quarter of 2008/9.


The report provided an overview of the authority’s performance and the circulated appendices gave a more detailed break down against performance, capital and revenue budgets and risks. 


The Cabinet Member for Corporate Resources welcomed the presentation of the report.


Resolved –


(1)  the performance to date be reviewed and any areas for further action be identified;


(2)  the variations in the capital programme in respect of Adult Social Services IT infrastructure funded from grant and the Bromborough Pool Bridge overspend from within the Local Transport plan (LTP) allocation be approved; and


(3)  the report, without appendices, for the quarter ending 31 December be presented to the Cabinet in February. The full report, which should include the detailed appendices, to be made available on the Virtual Committee.