Issue - decisions

Vehicle Activated Signing Proposed Criteria

11/02/2009 - Vehicle Activated Signing Proposed Criteria

The Director of Technical Services outlined to Cabinet the rationale behind the use of vehicle activated signs and the history of deployment of such measures on Wirral so far.  He sought Cabinet’s endorsement of a criterion for the future provision of vehicle activated signs.


The Cabinet Member for Streetscene and Transport Services welcomed the criteria contained within the report.


Resolved: That


(1)  the report be noted and the measures already taken to introduce Vehicle Activated Signs in Wirral be endorsed;


(2)  the proposed criteria for the provision of Vehicle Activated Signs as set out in Section 5.0 be approved; and


(3)  the Director of Technical Services be given delegated authority for the identification of sites for the future provision of vehicle activated signs in line with the criteria and the Director be given delegated authority to utilise new style vehicle activated signs as they come available and are of a type approved by the Department for Transport.