Issue - decisions

Fair Access to Care Services

02/07/2010 - Fair Access to Care Services

The Director of Adult Social Services submitted a report which provided the Cabinet with background information on the national eligibility criteria for Adult Social Care, recent updates to guidance in February 2010 and made recommendations to Cabinet for the future application of the FACS (Fair Access to Care Services) eligibility bands.


The Director informed the Cabinet that the report had been endorsed by the Health and Well Being Overview and Scrutiny Committee at its meeting on 21 June (minute 79 refers).


Resolved – That,


(1) Cabinet endorses the decision to continue to provide social care services to individuals in Wirral who have critical and substantial needs;


(2) Cabinet notes the revised guidance on FACS and the need for Councils to support universal services which promote reablement and prevention;


(3) Cabinet endorses the decision to undertake a wider consultation on the Council’s FACS criteria to enable Council to determine FACS levels for 2011/12.