Issue - decisions

Implications of the Economic Downturn for Wirral


The Deputy Chief Executive/Director of Corporate Services presented a report outlining the impact of the current recession on Wirral’s economy and identifying the steps taken by the Council to assist businesses affected by the current economic challenges, and build upon the budget proposals identified at Cabinet on 23rd February 2009.


The Deputy Chief Executive/Director of Corporate Services to meetings that had been held with local employers and the package of measures agreed by the Council at its meeting on 2nd March 2009.  He suggested that Cabinet consider a monthly report on this matter.


Resolved:  - That


(1)  the contents of the report be noted;


(2)  the proposals for the support mechanisms and programme interventions that are set out in the report be agreed, specifically:


  • The changes proposed for the Think Big Investment Fund
  • A programme of Support for Small Businesses (£50k budget resolution and £800k Working Wirral)


(3)  the Deputy Chief Executive/Director of Corporate Services presents a monthly update report to Cabinet on the state of the local economy.