Issue - decisions

Private Sector Housing and Regeneration Assistance Policy

27/04/2009 - Private Sector Housing and Regeneration Assistance Policy

Further to minute 335 (15 January 2009), the Director of Regeneration reported that the Regulatory Reform (Housing Assistance) (England & Wales) Order 2002 (“the RRO”) gave Local Authorities the power to provide assistance to improve living conditions in their area. However, the power could not be used unless a policy for the provision of such assistance had been adopted, monitored, reviewed and amended (if necessary) to take into account changes in local circumstances and government policy.


The Council’s revised policy had been subject to public consultation via the Council’s website, local press and bespoke leaflets distributed largely via the Council’s ‘One Stop Shops’. He provided a summary of proposed revisions to the policy and commented that no comments were received about the proposed revisions.


Resolved – That the revised Private Sector Housing and Regeneration Assistance Policy as set out in the report now submitted be agreed and that it be implemented with immediate effect.