Issue - decisions

Progress Report

25/01/2012 - Corporate Governance Comprehensive Work Programme Progress Report

In response to the Anna Klowoski Associates Ltd (AKA) supplemental report that was presented to the Cabinet on 22 September entitled ‘Wirral Borough Council’s Corporate Governance Arrangements: Refresh and Renew’, the Council had developed a comprehensive work programme to improve all aspects of its corporate governance.


This Committee had agreed that the principles and approach adopted in developing the programme were:


  • a whole systems, integrated approach to ensure step change rather than incremental change;
  • led by Chief Executive;
  • project-managed with time limited tasks;
  • co-ordinated through a single point of management and reporting;
  • resourced appropriately; and
  • owned by the whole organisation including Members and Officers.


A report by the Chief Executive provided an update for Members on progress being made on the delivery of the comprehensive work programme which supported the Council’s corporate governance improvement goals and Destination Excellence objective.


The report highlighted progress against the critical milestones set out by Anna Klonowski in her report ‘Improving Corporate Governance In Wirral’ presented to the Committee at its meeting on 7 December 2011, as well as the 10 Key Lines of Enquiry (KLOE) approved by the Committee at its meeting on 16November 2011 (Minute No. 13 refers).


A critical theme running through the Corporate Governance Improvement Programme was the need for on-going cultural change.  It was noted that an under pinning communications plan was also required to ensure key stakeholders – including staff – were kept informed of improvements and support the improved working practices that were being developed through the KLOEs.


Councillor S Foulkes provided the Committee with an oral report of the proceedings of the “meet the staff” meetings that were held on 12 and 13 January 2012, he had hosted along with Councillor P Davies and the Chief Executive, at various venues around the Borough, as part of the Destination Excellence initiative. All Council officers had been expected to attend one of these meetings and approximately 4,200 had done so, during eleven sessions over the two days.


It was reported that over 1000 comments had been received at the staff meetings and they would be analysed and the themes reported back to the Committee.  Those members of staff who had put their names on their names on their feedback forms would be thanked for their time and effort.


Councillor S Foulkes also provided details of the ‘Open Door Sessions’ for members of staff that Cabinet Members were proposing to hold, (as would Councillors from other Political Groups upon request) and reported that confidential email accounts had also been set up.  The purpose of these was to provide mechanisms for staff to report issues and concerns in confidence.  Themes identified would also be reported back to the Committee.


Members considered the report and informed that they felt that it was important for the Council to have a vision of what an excellent Council, in terms of Corporate Governance should look like.  They were happy with the “dash board” style of the report.  There would be restrictions in the delivery of the KLOEs and the Council’s Corporate Governance would not be perfect by 31 March 2012 but Members agreed that the building blocks would be in place to bring about the continuous improvement that was necessary.  They would begin to qualify their aims, adjust and change and look at best practice elsewhere.


Councillor T Harney provided the Committee with an update on the approach to the training being put in place for Elected Members.  It was also noted that a mentor had been appointed to each of the three Political groups and some bespoke training was in the process of being developed.


The Committee, in particular noted the good progress made in respect of KLOE 6: Review of Committee Services.  Councillor Harney drew attention to the fact that Members’ future IT needs would need to be identified and catered for as it was known that the current IT equipment contract would expire in 2012 and would need to be renewed.




(1)  the contents of the report and its various appendices as well as the progress being made by the Corporate Governance Improvement Team be noted;


(2)  Anna Klonowski be invited to hold a briefing with Members of the Member Training Steering Group as soon as possible and before 22 February 2012;


(3)  the Interim Head of Planning, Engagement and Communications and her staff be thanked for their hard work organising the staff meetings; and


(4)  Members’ IT development needs be included in KLOE 6.