Issue - decisions

Final Local Government Finance Settlement 2012-13

10/02/2012 - Final Local Government Finance Settlement 2012-2013

A report by the Deputy Chief Executive and Director of Finance reminded Members that the Provisional Local Financial Settlement for 2012/13 had been reported to the Cabinet at its meeting on 12 January 2012.  Following the consultation period the Final Settlement had been announced on 31 January 2012.  This report confirmed the figures announced in the Provisional Settlement and set out the latest information in respect of Government grants.




Cabinet notes that Wirral Council’s Finance Settlement from the Government continues to be slashed with a reduction of £14million this year in Formula Grant and further reductions expected in Specific Grants which have yet to be announced.


In a bid to make further progress in closing the gap this leaves, Cabinet refers the following savings to the Budget Council meeting and asks the Chairs of the relevant Overview and Scrutiny Committees to consider whether they wish to consider these before that date and report back either to the Cabinet or to the Budget Council meeting.


§  Renegotiation of the Connexions Contract (already achieved) £250,000

§  Renegotiation of the Supporting People Contract (already achieved) £150,000

§  Uncommitted School Improvement/ School Intervention Funding £250,000

§  Children and Young People’s Department PPM  (consequent on decision by Schools Forum to fund £200,000 of schools PPM from within the schools budget)£200,000

§  Funding for Merseyside Information Services no longer required £50,000

§  Highways back office administrative efficiency review £80,000

§  EVRs £910,000


Cabinet notes that the criteria used in accepting EVRs was that Directors should be able to release the post, that they should be able to deliver the service with minimal disruption in the workplace and that the decision to release the post would not materially affect service delivery.


Cabinet recognises that it is  vitally important to maintain the stability of the Council’s structures and finances at a time of considerable financial upheaval in the country and will continue to work on presenting a budget that achieves this aim and that matches with the priorities set out in the draft Corporate Plan.