Issue - decisions

Internal Audit: Appointment of External Reviewer

16/02/2012 - Internal Audit: Appointment of External Reviewer

A report by the Chief Executive reminded the Committee that it had agreed the procedure for recruiting external assistance to support the Corporate Governance Improvement Programme at its meeting on 16 November 2011 (Minute No. 13 refers).  The overarching objective was to comply with the Council's Contract Procedure Rules.


The intention had been to source three quotations, one from the Local Government Association and others from two suppliers recommended by Anna Klonowski (AKA)


The LGA had confirmed on 7 December 2011 that it did not wish to tender for the work.


A procurement process using the Council's eTendering and sourcing portal (The Chest) had beenconducted for the two suppliers recommended by AKA. The process had closed on 23 December 2011 and neither supplier had responded and it had been confirmed on 29 December 2011 that one had officially withdrawn, and the other would participate if return period was extended.


Following discussions between the Council's Corporate Procurement Manager and the Deputy Chief Executive/Director of Finance it had been agreed to offer the remaining supplier the opportunity to bid, having due regard to the urgency of the work.


Consequently, the procurement process had been repeated and a subsequent proposal was received by the closing date of 20 January 2011.  Confirmation was then sought on the cost of the proposal.  This was received on 26 January 2011.  The cost was £15,000 (£1,000 per day) including expenses.


The Committee was informed that in the opinion of the Deputy Chief Executive/Director of Finance the respondent was appropriate to appoint for the following reasons:


  • the bidder has appropriate skills, abilities and experience as evidenced in his CV;
  • the bidder has extensive experience as finance director with more than 20 years at Board level, the last nine being at the City of London;
  • the bidder is an experienced non-executive director and Audit Committee Chair;
  • the bidder has wide knowledge of investment strategy, fund management and pensions;
  • the bidder has deep understanding of the intricacies of public sector policy, finance and administration;
  • the bidder has sound knowledge of property development and practical experience of major project management;
  • the bidder has direct involvement in promoting carbon reduction projects at Salix Finance Limited and keen interest in environmental issues;
  • the bidder has been recommended by AKA;
  • the bidder’s charges are not unreasonable given the Council's timescale the nature of the work; and
  • the alternative is to enter a further procurement process, which would mean that the work could not be completed within the timescale laid down by the Committee.


In accordance with Contract Procedure Rule 19.1.4 Peter Derrick, BA, CPFA had been appointed to undertake the External Support for the Review of Internal Audit at a cost of £15,000.




That the decision of the Deputy Chief Executive/Director of Finance to appoint Peter Derrick, CPFA, as an external assistance to support the Corporate Governance Improvement Programme , at a cost of £15,000 be endorsed.