Issue - decisions

Treasury Management Annual Report 2011-12

09/07/2012 - Treasury Management Annual Report 2011/2012

A report by the Acting Chief Finance Officer included a review of Treasury Management activities during 2011/12 and confirmed compliance with treasury limits and prudential indicators. The Annual Report had been prepared in accordance with the revised CIPFA Treasury Management Code and the revised Prudential Code.


The report indicated that the year saw these activities realise a net underspend of £3.7 million. Of this sum £2.5 million was anticipated and included in the Estimates 2012/13 as agreed by Cabinet on 21 February 2012 (Minute No. 322 refers). The report also confirmed compliance with treasury limits and prudential indicators.





(1)  the Treasury Management Annual Report for 2011/12 be agreed;


(2)  the transfer of the net underspend of £3.7 million to General Fund balances in 2011/12 be agreed; and


(3)  the Treasury Management Team, responsible for achieving this level of income for the Council, be congratulated.