Issue - decisions

Support for Wirral's Coastal Resort Towns

20/03/2012 - Support for Wirral's Coastal Resort Towns

The Director of Regeneration, Housing and Planning presented a report to the Cabinet further to its meeting 12 January 2012 when Members had deferred the decision for further discussions with the project applicant (Wellington Rd Conservation Area Society), following representations made by Councillor Glasman, on behalf of the project applicants.  (Minute No. 258 refers.)  The report updated Members on the further discussions that had been held in respect of its Tidal Pool proposal (Option 1 – allocation of resources to be used as a contribution towards a feasibility study).


  The report summarised the outcome of the discussions and sought Members’ views on how to proceed.  The Director’s report confirmed that officers remained of the view that the tidal pool project could not be implemented at this time for the reasons that were set out in the previous report.  However, during the course of the further discussions the applicant had requested that the grant money could be used to fund a feasibility study for the Tidal Pool project which would enable the current issues relating to the project to be fully investigated. Members were informed that the applicant had been advised that, whilst funding a feasibility study was possible, from the Government’s coastal grant provided to improve seaside towns in Wirral, it did not deliver a project at this time which would support the economic regeneration of New Brighton; whereas providing funding to the Wallasey Sea Cadets for their Crows Nest project (Option 2) would deliver something immediately for the grant funding.


  The Wallasey Sea Cadets project sought funding for internal building works to create an additional classroom in the current headquarters in St James Hall, Victoria Road, New Brighton.  At the time of the Sea Scouts’ application in March 2011, a sum of £18,576 had been sought.  This had been based on estimates provided by a local contractor who had since gone out of business.  In the meantime, however, they had revisited the costs and been quoted £16,000 - £17,000 to undertake the works.


  If Members were minded to allocate the £10,650 award to the Crows Nest project it would leave a shortfall in funding for their project.  However, the Sea Scouts proposed that this shortfall would be met through their reserves or fundraising activity during the year or alternatively the project could be delivered in phases.


  Councillor P Glasman was in attendance at the meeting and presented a petition titled “Tidal Pool, New Brighton Beach” containing approximately 950 signatures in support of the project being completed so that the Tidal Pool would be restored and brought back into use.She told the Cabinet that whilst the Cabinet report suggested the level of local support was unclear, 950 signatures was a good indication of how much support there was for this project in the local community.


  Councillor P Glasman addressed the Cabinet and requested that it respond positively.  She informed that more information was now available and that signatures were still being collected in support of a reconstructed paddling pool, particularly given that the lido was no longer part of the scheme.  The applicant was in the process of seeking extra funding and the health and safety issues highlighted had been similar to those presented when walking or paddling at the beach.


  Councillor J Green thanked Councillor P Glasman for bringing the proposal to his attention and informed her that she had convinced him that providing the funding to carry out the feasibility study was the appropriate way forward and he would support option 1.


  Councillor D Mitchell informed that he also supported Option 1 and hoped that all environmental issues would be considered during the feasibility study to ensure that the project would be fit for use.




(1)  Option 2 be supported and £10,650 be allocated to Wallasey Sea Scouts to help fund their Crows Nest proposal; and


(2)  Option 1 be also supported and £10,000 be allocated to the Wellington Road Conservation Area Society’s Tidal Pool proposal to be used as a contribution towards the feasibility study.