Issue - decisions

Self Assessment

24/07/2012 - Self Assessment

The Chief Internal Auditor reported that to comply with best professional practice the Audit and Risk Management Committee was required to complete an annual evaluation of its role and effectiveness as part of the systems of internal audit. The CIPFA publication ‘A Toolkit for Local Authority Audit Committees’ recommended the use of a self assessment checklist to achieve the task. The Director indicated that the Chair, in conjunction with auditors, had completed the checklist which was appended to his report. He also presented a draft Action Plan that had been developed following the exercise, which contained recommendations to improve the existing arrangements and to address any risks. Implementation would be monitored by Internal Audit and an update report would be presented to a future meeting of the Committee.


The District Auditor referred to the recommendation for the Committee to assess the performance of external audit and indicated his willingness to provide such assistance as the Committee deemed necessary.


Resolved –


(1)  That the self assessment checklist and the draft action plan be approved.


(2)  That liaison be undertaken with Chief Officers to ensure the effective delivery of the Action Plan and a progress report be presented to the next meeting of the Committee.


(3)  That, for the forthcoming municipal year, a skills assessment be undertaken for Members of the Audit and Risk Management Committee and an appropriate training programme be put in place for Committee Members and deputies.


(4)  That the officers be requested to ensure that all paperwork for inclusion in Committee agendas is available for publication and dispatch at least two Fridays before each meeting.