Issue - decisions

Masters in Business Administration (MBA) Qualification

20/03/2012 - Masters in Business Administration (MBA) Qualification

A report by the Director of Law, HR and Asset Management sought the Cabinet’s approval to proceed with the procurement tender process decision and renew the Master in Business Administration programme contract with effect from 2012.


By virtue of paragraph 3 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972, the appendix to this report was exempt as it contained commercially sensitive information.  (Minute No. 355 (b) refers)




(1)   the award of the contract for the duration of the MBA programme (three years) for a single cohort, with the option of an additional two cohorts be agreed; and


(2)   the University of Chester be agreed as the contracted provider on the basis of an objective assessment through the procurement process undertaken between June and November 2011.