Issue - decisions

Proposed Changes to the Carers Self Directed Assessment and Resource Allocation System

19/04/2012 - Proposed Changes to the Carers Self Directed Assessment and Resource Allocation System

A report by the Director of Adult Social Services was presented to the Cabinet seeking agreement on a proposal for an engagement and consultation exercise to consider changes to the current carer’s budget provided through the Department of Adult Social Services Resource Allocation System (RAS).  The Cabinet was advised that these changes would be undertaken as part of a co production arrangement with carers and their representatives and aimed to ensure that there was a clearer focus on carers when they needed support. Members were informed that it would also ensure that the Council meet its statutory obligation towards carers of vulnerable adults which were outlined in the 1995 Carers Act and subsequent equalities legislation. 




(1)   the contents of the report be noted; and


(2)   the Cabinet agrees to progress the consultation and engagement process for changes to the carers personal budget using the methodology referred to in the report.