Issue - decisions

Tranmere Rovers Sponsorship Agreement 2012/2013

09/07/2012 - Tranmere Rovers Sponsorship Agreement 2012/2013

Councillor G. Davies, having declared a personal and prejudicial interest (Minute No. 2 refers) left the meeting whilst this item of business was considered.


A report by the Acting Chief Executive recommended that the sponsorship agreement between Tranmere Rovers Football Club and the Council be renewed for a further year to cover the period 1 July 2012 to 30 June 2013.




(1)  the Council’s sponsorship arrangement with Tranmere Rovers Football Club be extended for a further year (from 1 July 2012 to 30 June 2013) on the basis set out in the report;


(2)  the existing base sponsorship level be increased to take account of inflation;


(3)  the principle of increased or reduced payments in the event of promotion or relegation be accepted and revised payments be negotiated and agreed if and when this occurs as set out in the report; and


(4)  the completed Sponsorship Agreement be put in the public domain.


Councillor G Davies returned to the meeting.