Issue - decisions

Local Development Framework - Report of Consultation on the Proposed Submission Draft Core Strategy

20/06/2013 - Local Development Framework - Report of Consultation on the Proposed Submission Draft Core Strategy

Resolved –


(1)  That the responses recommended, set out in the Council’s on-line Document Library, be approved.


(2)  That the modifications recommended to the Proposed Submission Draft Core Strategy be approved for negotiation with key stakeholders and the partners with which the Council has a statutory duty to co-operate.


(3)  That progress on up-to-date evidence to support responses to issues related to housing, Green Belt, gypsies and travellers and development viability be noted.


(4)  That supplementary planning documents for the design and layout of housing, employment, town centre uses and telecommunications development be prepared, to support the future implementation of the Core Strategy.


(5)  That any further modifications that may be necessary to address issues related to housing, Green Belt, gypsies and travellers, development viability, retail floorspace thresholds, the views of key stakeholders and the duty to co-operate with partners, be reported back to the Cabinet before the Council is recommended to approve the final text of the Core Strategy for submission to the Secretary of State for public examination.