Issue - decisions

Senior Management Restructure

08/01/2013 - Senior Management Restructure

The Chief Executive introduced a report which detailed proposals in relation to the Council’s senior management restructure, following the Cabinet and Employment and Appointments reports of 18 September 2012 (minutes 83 and 21, respectively, refer). The proposals included details of financial savings which were attached as an appendix to the report.


The report proposed to reduce the senior management structure of the Council from 30 full time equivalent (FTE) posts to 19 FTE posts (excluding the three Strategic Director posts). Reducing senior management costs played a major contribution in reducing pressure on frontline services.


Councillor Phil Davies stated that the priority was to relieve as much as possible the pressure on frontline services.


With an addition to the recommendations in the report, moved by Councillor Phil Davies and seconded by Councillor McLachlan, it was -


Resolved – That Cabinet:


(1)  Endorses the report


(2)  Refers and recommends the following proposals to the Employment and Appointments Committee for consideration and decision:


The deletion of the following posts:


Adult Social Services:

·  Deputy Director of Adult Social Services

·  Head of Finance and Performance (Adults)

·  Head of Locality Personalised Support (Adults)

·  Head of Specialist Personalised Support (Adults)

·  Head of Safeguarding and Care Governance (Adults)


Children’s Services:

·  Deputy Director: Planning, Resources and Schools (CYPD)

·  Head of Children’s Social Care

·  Head of Learning and Achievement



·  Director of Finance

·  Deputy Director of Finance

·  Head of IT Services

·  Head of Benefits, Revenues and Customer Services


Law, HR and Asset Management:

·  Director of Law, HR and Asset Management

·  Head of Regulation

·  Head of Asset Management


Technical Services:

·  Director of Technical Services

·  Deputy Director of Technical Services

·  Head of Cultural Services


Regeneration, Housing and Planning:

·  Director of Regeneration, Housing and Planning


The creation of the following posts:


Families and Wellbeing:

·  Head of Transformation (Adults)

·  Head of Delivery (Adults)

·  Head of Specialist Services (CYPD)

·  Head of Targeted Services (CYPD)

·  Head of Universal and Infrastructure (CYPD) and Assistant Chief Executive


Regeneration and Environment:

·  Head of Environment and Regulation


Transformation and Resources:

·  Head of Business Processes


The re-designation of the following posts:


Regeneration and Environment:

·  Head of Housing to Head of Housing and Community Safety


Chief Executive:

·  Head of Communication and Community Engagement to Head of Neighbourhoods and Engagement.


(3)  Approves the re-alignment of services across the three programme areas as detailed in the report.


(4)  Asks the Chief Executive to consult on and to implement the further management restructure for senior manager levels to PO level, with expected financial savings of £4m.


(5)  Authorises the Chief Executive to confirm and implement the management  structure as agreed at such time and in such manner as he considers appropriate, including making any additional administrative changes as are necessary to give effect to the changes including making any consequential changes to the scheme of delegation as are necessary to give effect to the new arrangements.