Issue - decisions

Approval of Finalised Tenancy Strategy following Public Consultation

01/07/2013 - Tenancy Strategy Statement

Councillor George Davies introduced a report by the Strategic Director of Regeneration and Environment that sought Members’ approval and endorsement to Wirral’s Tenancy Strategy Statement, following a public consultation exercise with stakeholders and Registered Providers of social).  The Cabinet noted that the development of tenancy strategy housing by local authorities was a statutory requirement under the Localism Act 2011. 


At the Cabinet meeting held on 20 December 2012, Members approved the draft Tenancy Strategy Statement, prior to wider consultation with Registered Providers (RPs) and the general public (Minute No. 152 refers).  This wider consultation occurred in January and February 2013 and in addition to being posted on the Council’s website had been publicised widely to all RPs with social housing stock in the borough and to prospective tenants who had registered their e-mail address with Property Pool Plus.


All responses from RPs had been in favour of the Strategy content.  The majority of responses from the public had also been positive, with just two consultees against the use of fixed term tenancies altogether.  A summary of the questionnaire responses was set out in Appendix A to the report. 




That the Tenancy Strategy Statement set out in Appendix B to the report be approved.