Issue - decisions

Children's Centre - Nursery Market Testing

01/07/2013 - Commissioning of Six Day Nursery Provisions

Councillor Tony Smith introduced a report by the Director of Children’s Services as part of the Council’s Budget Savings Options.  The report outlined a proposed framework and timetable for the commissioning of six Day nursery provision which were being currently delivered by the Children and Young Peoples Department.


The report sought the Cabinet’s agreement on the proposed commissioning approach and priorities in respect of the nursery provision.  It also sought approval to change the proposed contract period from three years to five years. 


Councillor Phil Davies informed that these provisions had come out of budget saving options.  This was potentially an innovative way of delivering this important nursery provision.  He informed that all contracts would be monitored on a quarterly basis to provide evidence to ensure good quality outcomes as set out in paragraph 2.7 of the Director’s report.  The Council’s aim was to continue to prioritise the most vulnerable children.




(1)  approval be given to changing the proposed contract period from three years to five years; and


(2)  the proposed commissioning approach and priorities be agreed.