Issue - decisions

Budget Option - Transformation of Day Services

01/07/2013 - Budget Option - Transformation of Day Services

Councillor Phil Davies introduced a report by the Director of Adult Social Services that provided the Cabinet with consultation feedback and associated recommendations arising from the officer proposal to down size day services, to save resources by closing Moreton Day Centre and consolidating mental health provision into one centre, thereby closing two smaller satellite buildings at Prenton and Union Street.


The report outlined the rationale and decision-making process behind the option, background information regarding day services and a summary of a revised proposal.


A staffing structure to deliver day services through a neighbourhood approach was also set out in the report.  This was subject to a five-week staff consultation which had now closed.  The new staff structure would be implemented accordingly.


Following a comprehensive consultation process including people that use services, carers and staff, the report contained revised recommendations to respond to the challenge to deliver services more efficiently, but also incorporate the views and aspirations of the consultees.  The revised recommendations built upon the important work undertaken by a representative carers group working with the support of the Department to establish new proposals and meet the challenge.  Additionally, the revised recommendations proposed offering a reduced service in the Moreton area to ensure continued access to local community links.


On 18 February 2013 the Cabinet had committed to explore the possibility of an alternative delivery model, i.e.: a single social enterprise model across all day services to deliver the year two and three savings.  (Minute No. 200 refers)  The revised proposals were in line with this commitment and the recommendations supported it. 


Councillor Phil Davies informed that because of the Council’s financial situation, in the context of it being required to find savings of £109 million over the next three years, clearly it had some difficult decisions to take.  It had previously received a report which had included a proposal to close Morton Day Centre.  There had followed a three month consultation exercise which had just ended.  Councillor Phil Davies thanked all those who had taken part including centre users, carers, staff etc. all of whose voices had been heard.  The Cabinet was now in a position to move forward and agree resolutions.The proposal was now for the retention of a smaller service in Moreton.


Mr John Dalby, speaking on behalf of carers, outlined their proposals for Transforming Day Services whilst making the required savings, maintaining a service in Moreton and establishing a model structure and vision for a Social Enterprise.  Mr Dalby told the Cabinet that the carers wanted to be involved in the changes as much as possible.  He considered that the service could be transformed into a role model for day care provision across the country and that alternative income streams could be sought.  To achieve their vision they would need the help and support of the Council.  Mr Dalby felt that it was not too late to fix the location for Morton and find a more interactive way of engaging with the carers.  The Council could continue to work with them to transform day centre provision.


Councillor Chris Jones informed that change was vital for Moreton. These services did need to change.  Large, segregated centres were a thing of the past and younger people coming through had different aspirations and wanted to play their role in society.  The feedback had shown that some people did require a therapeutic service and that was why the initial proposals had been refined to stay in Moreton.  Councillor Chris Jones hoped that the Cabinet could continue to work with carers and she thanked them and service users for their input.


Councillor Phil Davies agreed that there needed to be a continuous presence in Moreton.  The Cabinet wanted to continue the dialog with carers and centre users on the building to be used and hoped agreement could be reached.  He was absolutely committed to the social enterprise model and gave his commitment to continue talking to the carers on how it could be made to work.  Before any provision was closed on the Moreton site there must be alternative provision in place to ensure that no one was denied a service.  The reality was that the Council had a shortfall due to cuts to its budget and these must be addressed.  Doing nothing was not an option but the Council had to meet the needs of those who need the services.




(1)  the Cabinet notes the constructive approach developed between DASS officers and carers.  Cabinet would encourage this to continue through a joint working partnership with carers to explore a social enterprise model for the whole of day service provision;


(2)  the Cabinet agrees to officers developing and delivering a reduced service in Moreton to meet the needs of a small group of people who require support in this area delivered from within the reduced staffing structure;


(3)  the Cabinet notes the findings of the consultation process into the proposal relating to day services, specifically the proposal to close the existing Moreton day centre building, and to close Prenton day centre and Union Street sites and consolidate mental health provision into one site at Beaconsfield;


(4)  the Cabinet instructs officers to begin the process of closing the affected buildings, with a view to full closure of the sites by September 2013, and to bring a further report detailing options for future use or disposal of the affected buildings;


(5)  the Cabinet thanks the people, carers, family members and staff using all day services for their input into this process; and


(6)  approval be given to begin a review and consultation of all incentive payments.  Initial consultation as part of the transformation of day services has shown that this system is currently inequitable and not consistent across services.