Issue - decisions

Adult Social Services Commissioning Plans Underpinning the Overarching Strategy 'Shaping Tomorrow'

27/06/2013 - Adult Social Services Commissioning Plans Underpinning the Overarching Strategy 'Shaping Tomorrow'

Resolved –


(1)  That the Early Intervention and Prevention Commissioning Plan, the Learning Disabilities Commissioning Plan and the Carers Strategy, be noted.


(2)  That the approach to a framework of Commissioning Plans to respond positively to the transformation of adult social care, be supported.


(3)  That it be recognised that the Commissioning Plans support the Council’s drive to make best use of available resources and to achieve efficiencies going forward.


(4)  That it be noted that these Plans will be the basis for continued engagement with stakeholders.


(5)  That the development of service specifications linked to commissioning intentions with the respective Plans/Strategy be supported.