Issue - decisions

Corporate Plan Performance Management

25/07/2013 - Corporate Plan Performance Management

The Cabinet considered the report of the Director of Public Health and Head of Policy and Performance outlining the proposed performance management report to support the development of the Corporate Plan for 2013-14.


The report translated the priorities set out in the Corporate Plan into a coherent set of performance outcome measures and targets; these would be used to evaluate the achievement of strategic priorities over the next year of the plan.


It was anticipated that the development of the Corporate Plan would be an iterative process during 2013/14 based on the feedback and requirements of elected members and portfolio leads.  It would run in parallel to the wider development of the underpinning business planning and performance management infrastructure within the council (e.g. Performance Management Framework Policy, electronic provision of performance information to elected members, transition from targets to outcomes).


Councillor McLachlan reported that the report had been previously considered by the Policy and Performance Co-ordinating Committee on 3 July 2013, at the meeting comments were made about the format of the performance reports and Members requested that in future the information be reported in a clearer and more user-friendly format. (Minute 12) refers.




That the proposed dashboard be approved, and the matter be referred to Council for approval.