Issue - decisions

Social Enterprise Development - Day Services

13/12/2013 - Social Enterprise Development - Day Services

The Cabinet considered the report of the Director of Adult Social Services which stated that the Cabinet committed on February 18th 2013 to explore the possibility of an alternative delivery model, i.e.: a single social enterprise model across all day services to deliver the year two and three savings already agreed by the Council.  The report updated on progress and sought agreement to proceed with the recommended option.


Councillor Chris Jones introduced the report which provided a detailed summary of five options available to the council; an analysis of the options and identified which of the options were feasible in terms of progressing to alternative models of delivery for day services in a timely manner.


The data relating to each element of the service had been identified and analysed in relation to each of the options.  This was then incorporated into an evaluation matrix which can be found in Appendix 1 of the report. 


During the strategic review it was identified that some options were not feasible for a variety of reasons including timescales and saving requirements.  These were clearly identified at the end of each summary.  The review identified that only two of the five options were feasible.  The caveat to this are that one option (1. Develop a standalone Local Authority Trading Company or Social Enterprise) would require a longer development time which would negate making full savings in 2014.  The other feasible option (2. Shared Services with another neighbouring authority) would require further exploration although this could be achieved relatively quickly and would therefore enable the Council to make the savings required and also offer an improved service to the people who use day services. 


The report sought agreement to develop the preferred Option 2 whilst enabling the proposal from the Parents/Carers Group in relation to the establishment of a Social Enterprise, to be developed further into a business case. The proposal would need to be reviewed taking into account best practice, service delivery implications and future sustainability, as well as being cognisant of the Council’s statutory duties.




(1)  The Director of Adult Social Services be requested to further explore Option 2 with the neighbouring Local Authorities, and submit a final report in February 2014 setting out the full business case; and


(2)  Parents/Carers Group be authorised to develop a business case in relation to their proposal to develop a social enterprise model (Option 1).