Issue - decisions

Disposal of Land to the Rear of Pensby Park, Fishers Lane, Pensby

16/07/2014 - Disposal of Land to the Rear of Pensby Park, Fishers Lane, Pensby

Councillor Adrian Jones introduced a report by the Head of Universal and Infrastructure Services, to declare the former school playing fields, to the rear of Pensby Park Resource Centre, Fishers Lane, Pensby a surplus asset and seek authority to its disposal. Permission from the Secretary of State to dispose of former community school land is also required. The matter was being reported to Cabinet as the potential sales receipt was anticipated to be well in excess of the threshold for delegated decisions. 




(1)  the former Pensby Park playing fields be declared surplus and authority be given to disposal using the Council’s appointed

property consultants; and


(2)  an application to the Secretary of State be made for the disposal of the land.