Issue - decisions

Adult Early Intervention and Prevention Service - Contract Award

23/12/2013 - Adult Early Intervention and Prevention Service - Contract Award

Resolved –


(1)  That the granting of contracts to those Providers that have been successful in relation to the tendering process as identified in Appendix 1 (exempt from public report) be approved.


(2)  That the cessation and termination of the unsuccessful providers and those who did not tender be supported.  A 12 week notice period will be given by 6th January 2014 and a robust transition plan will be in place.


(3)  That the review of Luncheon Clubs funding, investigating the option of transferring the funding to the Neighbourhood Constituencies be supported.


(4)  That the review of the Sensory services that is outstanding with a view to re tender for 2015/16 be supported.