Issue - decisions

Sundry Debtor Write-offs

18/03/2014 - Sundry Debtor Write-offs

Councillor Phil Davies presented a report by the Head of Business Processes which recommended the Cabinet to write off a range of sundry debts.  The report included £504,555.51 in outstanding Adult Social Services client contributions, £765,150.11 in miscellaneous Adult Social Service debt, £146,926.70 in outstanding overpayments of Housing Benefit and £1,795,347.67 in outstanding general sundry debtor accounts.


The Cabinet noted that this was part of the process of cleansing the long outstanding Department of Adult Social Services debt identified in the independent report considered by 23 May 2013 Cabinet.  (Minute No. 246 refers.)




That the report be noted and the debts be written-off as detailed within it.