Issue - decisions

Future Council - Engagement of Policy and Performance Committees

23/04/2014 - Future Council - Engagement of Policy and Performance Committees

Councillor Ann McLachlan introduced a report by the Chief Executive which set out proposals for engaging the Council’s Policy and Performance Committees in order to provide effective overview and scrutiny at key stages of the Future Council Programme.  The report built on the report presented previously to the Cabinet at its meeting on 13 March 2014 that had outlined the future Council process and objectives.  (Minute No. 163 refers.) 


The Cabinet was aware that Local Government was changing at the most rapid pace in living memory.  Significant reductions in the grant funding that the Council received from the Government, combined with an increasing demand for its services, presented it with an unprecedented challenge.  In addition to savings already agreed and currently being delivered, the Council faced a forecast budget gap of £18 million in 2015/16 and £25 million in 2016/17.


The Cabinet noted that it was essential that the Council approached this challenge in a planned and considered way to ensure it protected, as far as possible, the delivery of its policies and spent its remaining budget in line with its agreed priorities.


It was noted that the Future Council Programme built on proposals put forward by Ernst and Young for remodelling the organisation.  The programme would lead to the delivery of a new organisational structure and a new system of job profiles and pay grades that would modernise the Council and enable it to become more flexible. 


The programme also drove forward a business-case approach that would see every Council Service being reviewed in order that a series of options could be developed to re-shape how the Council would best deliver its Services in the future.  It was noted that the options developed would be the subject of wide-ranging stakeholder engagement and public consultation commencing in June 2014.


Members of the Council’s Policy and Performance Committees had been engaged in reviewing budget options, in previous years, as part of the consultation process.  Feedback from Members had indicated a preference to be more engaged in the options development process from an earlier stage.  The Cabinet noted that the Future Council Programme provided a mechanism for how this could be achieved. 


Councillor Ann McLachlan informed the Cabinet that the Future Council Programme was the single most important and far reaching piece of work the Council had ever carried out and it was important that all Members were involved in it so they could help to shape the direction and the Council. A timetable for the work required was set out in the report.


The Chief Executive informed the Cabinet that the Future Council Programme was a central project going forward.  Money was being saved by restructuring the Council otherwise it would have meant Services would have had to be cut.  The proposed cuts in Government funding over the next five years was a major challenge and an alternative proposal to the salami slicing carried out previously was required.


Councillor Phil Davies reported that this approach was preferable to “salami slicing”.  It was a real breadth of fresh air and had the endorsement of the Wirral Improvement Board who, at its meeting in March 2014, had stated that its view was that the Council had no alternative than to adopt this Programme.  There would be effective consultation with the Trade Unions and a timescale had been agreed in order to take account of employees’ views.  It was important that the Council got this right and ensured Members’ involvement.  As part of the Members’ Development Project there would be Member Development meetings providing opportunities for Members to contribute to this.




That this report and the engagement process for the Future Council Programme be referred as a priority for inclusion in the Work Programmes of each of the Policy and Performance Committees commencing in July 2014.