Issue - decisions

Medium Term Financial Strategy (including Treasury Management Strategy and Capital Strategy)

12/02/2015 - Medium Term Financial Strategy (including Treasury Management Strategy and Capital Strategy)

Councillor Phil Davies introduced a report by the Acting Section 151 Officer, setting out the Medium Term Financial Strategy 2015-18.  This was a strategic, financial document that set out the Council’s financial approach for the planning period 2015-16 to 2017-18.  It also incorporated the Treasury Management Strategy for 2015-18 in accordance with the CIPFA Code of Practice for Treasury Management in Public Services.




(A)  That in respect of the Treasury Management Strategy 2015-18


(1)  The Treasury Management Strategy for 2015-18 be agreed

(2)  The Prudential Indicators be adopted

(3)  The Council’s Minimum Revenue Provision Policy be approved; and

(4)  The Council Officers listed in Appendix G be authorised to approve payments from the Council’s bank accounts for all treasury management activities; and

(5)  Referred to Budget Council for approval.


(B)  That in respect of the Medium Term Financial Strategy 2015-18


(1)  The Medium Term Financial Strategy be agreed and referred to Budget Council for approval;and

(2)  Regular updates of the Medium Term Financial Strategy be reported to Cabinet.