Issue - decisions

Wirral Parks and Open Spaces Strategy 2014 - 2024

16/10/2014 - Wirral Parks and Open Spaces Strategy 2014 - 2024

The Cabinet Member - Leisure, Sport and Culture introduced a report by the Strategic Director, Regeneration and Environment which provided the Cabinet with a strategy to guide future parks and open space service planning and delivery and partnership working over the period 2014-2024. 


The Wirral Parks and Open Spaces Strategy 2014 – 2014 was appended to the report and contained policies and actions to support the local economy and population’s health, to provide a network of good quality parks and open spaces, to increase volunteer input and partnership working, to support biodiversity, to improve environmental sustainability, to increase innovation and to achieve a sustainable business model.  Key policies included a Wirral Quality Standard and increasing involvement of Friends Groups.




That the Wirral Parks and Open Space Strategy 2014-2024 be approved.