Issue - decisions

Apprentice Review - Scrutiny Report

13/11/2014 - Wirral Apprentice Programme Scrutiny Review

Councillor Pat Hackett introduced a report of the Chair of the Apprentice Scrutiny Review Panel that provided background information on the report of the Apprentice Scrutiny Review, which had been approved by the Policy and Performance Committee - Regeneration and Environment and referred to the Cabinet for further consideration.  Appended to the report as Appendix 1 was the Wirral Apprentice Programme Scrutiny Review Final Report, September 2014.


The Cabinet was informed that, at the meeting of the Policy and Performance - Regeneration and Environment Committee held on 23 September 2013, Members had approved a work programme which had included a review of apprenticeships.


A Task and Finish Group consisting of four Members of that Committee had been set up.  Its membership consisted of Councillors Anita Leech (Chair), Rob Gregson and Eddie Boult along with former Councillor Mark Johnston. 


Councillor Anita Leech was in attendance at the meeting and guided the Cabinet through the Panel’s Final Report setting out the key elements, answering Members’ questions and informing that the purpose of the review had been to ensure that funding allocated to the Apprentice Programme was being used effectively and was providing the best outcomes for apprentices through exploiting all available opportunities.


The Cabinet noted that the Final Report had been presented to the meeting of the Policy and Performance - Regeneration and Environment Committee on 22 September 2014 and had regard to the outcome which was detailed in the report (Minute No. 14  refers) as follows.


‘Further to Minute 16 (17 September 2013), Councillor Anita Leech introduced the Wirral Apprentice Programme Scrutiny Review, which had been undertaken by a Panel she had chaired, which had also comprised of Councillors Eddie Boult, Rob Gregson and former Councillor Mark Johnston. She confirmed that the purpose of the Review had been to ensure that funding allocated to the Apprentice Programme was being used effectively and was providing the best outcomes for apprentices through the exploitation of all available opportunities.


The Panel had gathered evidence from a wide range of sources and had made a number of recommendations around key themes including the requirement for support of apprentices, the availability and quality of information and guidance available to young people, getting young people ready for work, the Wirral Apprentice Policy and barriers to those who were considering an apprenticeship. Councillor Leech thanked all of the Members of the Panel, in particular former Councillor Mark Johnston and the scrutiny support officers, Tim Games and latterly Mike Lester, for their assistance.


Members thanked the Panel for a very comprehensive report and recognised the considerable work still required in the development, creation and accessibility of apprenticeships.


Resolved (13:0) (One abstention) –


(1)  That the Scrutiny Review and its recommendations be endorsed.


(2)  That the Review be referred to the Cabinet for approval.’


Councillor Phil Davies informed the Cabinet that he considered the Final Report to be an excellent piece of scrutiny work and he congratulated Councillor Anita Leech and the other Panel Members on it.


Councillor Bernie Mooney made reference to the cross party task and finish work that had been undertaken. She considered that it illustrated that scrutiny was working well at Wirral Council and she offered her congratulations on a fabulous Final Report.


Councillor Tony Smith informed that more vocational schools were required to help children obtain practical skills at 14+ so that they would have a better chance of obtaining apprenticeships when they left school.


Councillor Anita Leech reported that readiness for work was one of the Scrutiny Review Panel’s concerns.




(1)  the contents and recommendations of the Apprentice Scrutiny Report be supported; and


(2)   officers be requested to develop an Action Plan to implement the recommendations set out in the report.