Issue - decisions

Transfer of Certain Pollution Control Functions within Wirral Ports from Liverpool City Council to Wirral Council

22/01/2015 - Transfer of Certain Pollution Control Functions within Wirral Port Areas from Liverpool City Council to Wirral Council

Councillor Bernie Mooney introduced a report by the Strategic Director of Regeneration and Environment which sought approval for the transfer of certain of Liverpool City Council’s Pollution Control powers, in respect of Port Areas located within Wirral to Wirral Council.


This action would clarify existing arrangements through a formal legal transfer under the Local Government Acts 1972 and 2000 with the aim of ensuring that clear governance arrangements were in place to allow partnership working for the benefit of businesses and residents. 




(1)  the transfer of Liverpool City Council’s pollution control powers under the Environmental Protection Act 1990 and the Pollution Prevention and Control Act 1999 (and subordinate legislation) within Wirral port areas (as defined in the Mersey Port Health Order) to Wirral Council be approved; and


(2)  the Strategic Director of Transformation and Resources be authorised to enter into appropriate protocol agreements with Liverpool City Council.