Issue - decisions

09:10 Strategy Group Annual Update

16/05/2016 - 09:15 Performance Report (I)

Julia Hassall commented on the draft Q4 Performance Report.  The document has not been published, as the commentary is yet to be finalised.


CS001: Rate of referral.  There is a new MASH referral system, and this, along with leadership from a permanent manager in post is understood to be supporting greater stability and the safe reduction in the number of referrals.  Workshops have taken place during March and April with partners to ensure there is better understanding of criteria about when to make a safeguarding referral and when for example, children and families may benefit from early help and preventative support and services. In response to Jane Owens’ question about staffing numbers Julia Hassall confirmed that staffing has been increased, currently by secondments but that plans are being progressed to make these posts permanent. Cllr Tony Smith asked how Wirral compares nationally.  Julia Hassall said that Wirral has a higher referral rate, and there needs to be much greater partnership understanding about when to refer children, but that this is starting to improve.


CS008: Rates of Looked After Children.  The numbers of children in care in Wirral continue to remain high. Wirral still has children looked after for longer periods of time than in other areas; there is a focus on much smarter planning, for children to achieve better outcomes.


CS014:  Family Intervention Service engagement with families.  There has been review of the Family Intervention Service, and the changes are now in place. This indicator should cease to be red in 2016/17.


CS016:  Family Intervention Service positive outcomes with families.  Government funding is drawn down based on results.  This indicator has been affected by recruitment issues.  Wirral will meet the target of 400 families achieving positive outcomes and will be able to draw down the funding.


CS018:  % of families with under 5 living in 20% most deprived SOA’s that are registered with Children’s Centre.  There has been a slight dip in performance.  The three children’s centre hubs and satellites are now in place. Staff members have been recruited and have been in post since 1st April 2016.  Carol Fenlon, the new head of Early Years, is now in post. Now that the new service is in place improvements in sustained contact with the most vulnerable children should start to be made.


CS020 & CS021:  Take up of 2 year old offer by eligible families & Take up of Children’s Centre services for CLA, CIN, and those subject to CPP.  Both have been impacted by the service review, but will improve moving forward.


EDU002: Gap between lowest achieving children and their peers in Foundation Stage.  If you look at the free school meals group Wirral is second best LA in the region but if look at this group then Wirral is not doing so well.  Closing this gap is part of the new Children’s Strategy.


EDU006:  Gap between pupils eligible for free school meals and their peers at Key Stage 2.  This figure is wider than the target set.  There are now Locality Boards in place (from September 2015) that scrutinise data, and work to improve attainment for this group of children.


Jane Owen asked a question about the role of the Locality Boards and Julia Hassall agreed to circulate information.  Julia Hassall will discuss with Sue Talbot about providing an update for the Governor’s Forum at future meeting.


Phil Sheridan informed the meeting that School Improvement Funding from Central Government may be withdrawn.  These changes are at the White Paper stage.  If this is passed there is a risk to the improvement work being done, and there is consideration about how this may be undertaken in future, through any revisions to school governance arrangements.


Julia Hassall, Cllr Tony Smith and Jane Owens all commented on schools concerns regarding the proposed changes to school governance arrangements outlined in the White Paper: Education Excellence Everywhere. Julia Hassall and colleagues will be giving an update briefing to Governors on 17th June.


It was resolved that the Board noted the report.


  1. Julia Hassall to circulate information on role of Locality Boards.