Issue - decisions

Children and Young People's Department - New Capital Schemes 2015-16 to 2017-18

17/09/2015 - Children and Young People's Department - New Capital Schemes 2015-16 to 2017-18

Councillor Adrian Jones introduced a report by the Assistant Chief Executive which set out the proposed new capital schemes based on the Department for Education (DfE) funding allocations and sought approval for scheme development.


As part of the Council’s five year plan, the proposals in the report supported the following pledges contained in the plan:


·  Children are ready for school

·  Young people are ready for work and adulthood

·  Vulnerable children reach their potential

·  Council making better use of its assets.


Councillor Ann McLachlan informed that she was delighted that the proposals were linked to pledges and considered it to be a prime example of how the Council was investing in the young people of Wirral for the future. She thanked the Officers involved for all their hard work.


Appended to the Assistant Chief Executive’s report as Appendix A were the Children and Young Persons Department’s New Capital Schemes 2015/16, 2016/17, 207/18.


The Cabinet considered what had already been achieved and highlighted: That


·  Foxfield Special School had been successfully completed in March 2015 and the outcomes of this new facility were looking impressive in terms of future attainment, behaviour and general well-being.

·  Bedford Drive Primary School construction programme had started on site this summer with anticipated completion of August 2016.

·  Works would commence at Ridgeway High School for its new facility in summer 2016.

·  Somerville Primary School – completion of the 6 mobile classroom replacement project had been achieved in March 2015.

·  Fender Primary School – completion of a 2 classroom and resource extension was due to be completed in October 2015.

  • Elleray Park Special School – works were due to be completed in October 2015 on the four new classroom extension and welfare facilities which would replace undersized rooms and detached buildings, and would provide enhanced medical/hygiene facilities for pupils with severe disabilities.
  • Great Meols Primary – the completion of a one court sports hall had been completed in Spring 2015 and allowed greater access to sporting facilities for pupils throughout the day.
  • Devonshire Park – a range of projects had been undertaken to support the increase in pupil numbers at this school whilst maintaining specialist communication bases. The project to redevelop the school dining facilities was well underway and due for completion in October 2015.





That the new capital schemes identified in Appendix A to the report be approved and referred to the Council for inclusion within the overall Capital Programme.