Issue - decisions

Committee Referral - Community Safety Partnership

09/06/2016 - Community Safety Partnership

Councillor George Davies reported that at its meeting on 22 March 2016 the Transformation and Resources Policy and Performance Committee had considered a report on the Community Safety Partnership and recommended the 2016/17 priorities set by the Community Safety Partnership to the Cabinet.  The Committee’s report and subsequent Minute were attached to the agenda for Members information.


The report had highlighted the progress made to date in the delivery of the following two pledges set out in Wirral’s 2020 Vision:


  • Ensuring Wirral’s neighbourhoods are safe.
  • Zero tolerance to Domestic Abuse




(1)  the contents of the report and the progress made in the delivery of the two 2020 pledges be noted; and


(2)  the 2016/17 priorities set by the Community Safety Partnership be approved.