Issue - decisions

Better Care Fund (BCF)

09/06/2016 - Better Care Fund 2016/17

Councillor Chris Jones introduced a report by the Head of Transformation which provided the Cabinet with an update on the Better Care Fund achievements during 2015/16 and the priorities for submission in 2016/17, put together on behalf of Wirral Council and Wirral Clinical Commissioning Group, in collaboration with key partners.


This linked to the Wirral Plan Pledges


-  Older People live well

-  People with Disabilities live independently


The report informed that that the Council had over achieved the 3.5% non-elective admission reduction target for 15/16 within budget and that Key schemes were evidencing real impact and progress in establishing a sustainable seven day community offer.


Financially, the health and care economy in Wirral was in a challenging position.  Despite seeing a reduction in the number of people admitted, those who needed to be admitted had cost more, due to their high level of needs.


The Cabinet noted that the priority for 2016/17 was to ensure a sustainable Health and Social Care economy which supported the national direction of travel, in particular a community offer which enabled seven day admission avoidance and discharge.


The Cabinet also noted that it was the commissioning intention for 2016/17 to agree cost envelopes with the main NHS providers, which would support the financial sustainability for acute and community care and minimise any negative impact or risk to providers, moving towards a more accountable single care system. The BCF would continue to invest in schemes to deliver the wider system change and prioritise support and mitigation of risks.


The BCF would continue to prioritise cost effective 7 day community services that were responsive, delivering the right care in the right place at the right time. Services would continue to be transformed, redesigned to ensure better outcomes for people, best value and effective use of resources across all providers.


Appended to the report was:


  Appendix 1 – Wirral BCF Headlines 2015/16

  Appendix 2 – The BCF Scheme Summary


Councillor Chris Jones thanked the officers who had carried out some fantastic work in commissioning these services and in particular Jacqui Evans.


Councillor Phil Davies endorsed the recommendations set out in the report and informed that it was his view that, ideally, the Council should ensure that people were looked after in their own homes.




(1)  the BCF achievements in 2015/16 detailed in Appendix 1 be noted;


(2)  the 2016/17 BCF plan and the role of the Health and Wellbeing Board in signing off the final submission (Appendix 1 overview and Appendix 2 scheme details) be noted; and


(3)  the quarterly targets agreed and the governance arrangements for monitoring progress (Appendix 1) be noted.