Issue - decisions

Collection Fund 2016/17

17/01/2017 - Collection Fund 2016/17

That the declaration of an estimated £4.62 million surplus balance position for the Council Tax proportion of the Collection Fund for the year ending 31 March 2017 be notified to the precepting bodies. Wirral’s share is £3.9 million.


That the declaration of the 2016/17 National Non-Domestic Rates (Business Rates) surplus/deficit position and 2017/18 initial forecast be made by the Leader in conjunction with the Assistant Director: Finance (Section 151 Officer) on, or before, 31 January 2017. The latest forecast shows a £1.4 million surplus in 2016/17 of which Wirral’s share would be £0.7 million.


That the Council share of the ‘one-off’ distribution from the Collection Fund, currently estimated as £4.6 million (or as amended per the final NNDR return of 31 January 2017), be added to the General Fund balances for use in supporting the General Fund budget.