Issue - decisions

Disposal of Acre Lane Professional Excellence Centre Bromborough and update on other Major Disposals

15/12/2016 - Disposal of Acre Lane Professional Excellence Centre Bromborough


Councillor George Davies, Cabinet Member – Housing and Community Safety and Deputy Leader of the Council, said:


“The sale of Acre Lane demonstrates our commitment to the Wirral Plan.  Rather than an under-used, expensive council office building, the Acre Lane site will soon contain new, high-quality homes for Wirral residents.


This supports our Pledge to deliver more housing, and it supports the council’s financial position through generating significant income from the sale of the site”.


Councillor George Davies introduced a report that advised the Cabinet of the terms for disposal of the site of the former Acre Lane Professional Excellence Centre, Eastham. Attached to the report was a site plan.


The Cabinet noted that the proposals in the report supported the following pledges contained in the Council’s five year plan:


-  Council making better use of its assets.

-  To build 3,500 new homes.


Details of the minimum offer were appended to the report.  The appendix was exempt from publication under Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972 due to the commercial sensitivities of that information.  (Minute No. 78 refers.)




(1)  the terms of the sale as set out in the report be noted;


(2)  Cabinet authorises officers to accept a guaranteed minimum figure or any other higher figure achieved through negotiation with the developer to reach the final figure depending on the affordable homes outcome;


(3)  it be noted that as part of the Wirral Plan the proposal in the report supports the pledges to ensure to Council makes better use of its assets and to meet the Council’s target of 3,500 new homes.


Councillors Bernie Mooney and Stuart Whittingham left the meeting whilst the next item of business was considered.