Issue - decisions

Financial Monitoring 2017/18 (Quarter 1)

19/07/2017 - Revenue Monitoring 2017/18 Quarter 1 (To June 2017)

JanetteWilliamson UPDATED

Councillor Janette Williamson, Cabinet Member for Finance and Income Generation, said:


Ongoing national austerity policies continue to place huge pressure on local government, particularly in relation to social care services. We are continuing to see hugely increased demand for these services, which brings with it significant costs to the organisation.


The Council continues to plan and manage its budget in a sustainable way, whilst anticipating there will be fluctuations in requirements and the subsequent demands on the budget. This is why the Revenue Budget Contingency was made available. It helps mitigate the enormous demands on our services and why we are able to react to changing circumstances and be able to provide the support residents need.


We will continue to work hard to ensure our resources are well managed, used to deliver best value for Wirral residents, and enable us to deliver our 20 Pledges.”


Councillor Janette Williamson introduced a report which set out the projected revenue position for 2017/18 as at the end of Quarter 1 (30 June 2017).


The latest forecast was an overspend of £4.2 million for 2017/18.  This was essentially as a consequence of additional investment into Children’s Services and associated legal costs regarding the placement of children. 


This was a key decision which affected all the Wards in the Borough.




(1)  the Quarter 1 forecast year end overspend of £4.2 million, of which £3.9 million relates to Children’s Services and related legal costs, be noted;


(2)  the £8.5 million distribution from the Revenue Budget Contingency be approved;


(3)  the receipt of £0.18 million of New Homes Bonus Returned Funding Grant, which will be added to General Fund Balances, be noted;


(4)  Officers continue to identify actions and take measures to effectively manage the overall budget and reduce the impact of the projected overspends;


(5)  the £1.225 million ‘one-off’ funding from General Fund balances for an extended borough wide programme of tree maintenance works be referred to Council for approval; and


(6)  the £0.125 million for a rolling programme of tree inspection and maintenance be added to the Council budget projections from 2018/19 onwards, be noted.