Issue - decisions

Environmental Enforcement Contract - Request to Terminate Contract

07/03/2019 - Environmental Enforcement Contract - Request to Terminate Contract

Resolved: That


a)  the Director of Governance and Assurance, in consultation with the Interim Director Highways and Streetscene, be authorised to agree a termination of the Council’s Contract with Kingdom Services Group Limited for the delivery of environmental enforcement; and


b)  a further report be brought to the Cabinet and/or the Cabinet Member concerning an interim position with regard to environmental enforcement and education; and


c)  following extensive consultation with the public, Members and Overview and Scrutiny a further report be brought to the Cabinet to recommend a policy of environmental enforcement and education; and


d)  following consideration of the PSPO proposals by Overview and Scrutiny Committee on 15th January 2019, the Committee be asked to do a further piece of work to consider the way forward in this regard.