Issue - decisions

Coronavirus Contingency Planning

24/03/2020 - Coronavirus Contingency Planning

Resolved – That,


(a)  the executive (Leader and Cabinet) priorities of the Council are amended to simply be:

(i)  preservation of life;

(ii)  supporting the vulnerable;

(iii)  safeguarding children; and

(iv)  aiding the Borough’s businesses and economy

during this period that contingency planning is required to respond to an emergency situation and manage the effects of a covid-19 epidemic.


(b)  without prejudice to the current Executive Scheme of Delegation, which is noted and endorsed:


(i)  the Head of Paid Service is authorised to take any action in furtherance of the priorities set out at (a) above, acting in consultation with the Leader, Cabinet member and / or Group Leaders wherever it is reasonable and practicable in the opinion of the Head of Paid Service to do so; and


(ii)  the Head of Paid Service and each Director is authorised to take any action that that officer considers is reasonably necessary to protect the health, safety or welfare of individuals.


(c)  That the Council’s action to date in response to the covid-19 outbreak are noted and supported.