Issue - decisions

Members' Allowance Scheme


Resolved (unanimously) -


(1)  That the Council approves the Members’ Allowances Scheme detailed in Appendix 1 to the report and the schedule of approved duties, apart from the recommendation in respect of increasing the basic allowance by 5%.


(2)  This Council accepts the report of the Independent Remuneration Panel and thanks the panel for its work. We recognise that it is important that Councillors receive remuneration so that the broadest possible range of people are enabled to take up the role. However, at this time, we are not accepting the suggested 5% increase in Councillor allowances. We are keenly aware of the increased hardships suffered by many Wirral residents as a result of the current pandemic and we are not prepared to add to the financial demands on the Council at this time. We will review this aspect of the panel’s report at an appropriate point in the future.


(3)  That the Independent Remuneration Panel be requested to undertake a review of the Scheme in the next municipal year in respect to the allocation of Special Responsibility Allowances to take account of actual experience of the Committee system in operation.