Issue - decisions



Matthew Neal, Principal Solicitor introduced the report of the Director of Law and Governance that set out options on how the Strategic Applications Sub-Committee may best discharge its responsibility to carry out informal pre-application discussions with developers in relation to any matter which potentially may come before the Sub-Committee for a later decision.


The report informed that on 15 October 2020 Planning Committee resolved, amongst other matters, to reserve some matters to itself which otherwise would fall within the Terms of Reference of the Strategic Applications Sub-Committee, and that the Sub Committee be delegated the consideration of the protocols and procedures to be adopted with regard to pre application discussion arrangements.


Members noted that the draft Protocol for Pre-application and Pre-decision Member Engagement Briefing as attached to the report (as Appendix 1). The purpose of the Protocol outlined the process for developer engagement with members of the Strategic Applications Sub-Committee at the pre-application and pre-decision stages of the planning application process.


The report further informed that the process was solely for the following types of development proposals:


  • Large-scale major developments - 200 houses or more or 10,000 square metres of non-residential floor space (which, by their nature, (e.g. scale, location etc.) have wider strategic implications and raise issues of more than local importance.


  • Significant applications by Wirral Borough Council to develop any land owned by the Council for development of any land by the Council or by the Council jointly with any other person.


  • Development which would be a significant departure from the development plan (with the exception of domestic extensions).


  • Decisions that would need to be referred to the Secretary of State, with the exception of applications for Planning Permission and/or Listed Building Consent to Grade I listed buildings, where there are no objections on conservation grounds.


Members noted that the pre-application and pre-decision discussion between the Sub-Committee and the developer will be in the form of an informal briefing which may be instigated by a developer or a planning officer. The applicant will be able to give a presentation of the proposal and the members will have the opportunity to ask questions and seek clarification on the details of a proposal.  However, the meeting will not enter into detailed negotiations with regard to any proposed application and such negotiations should be left to discussions between the applicant and the planning officers.


The Committee was requested to approve the Protocol for Pre-application and Pre-decision Member Engagement Briefing and to note the terms of reference of the Sub-Committee together with the determination of the Planning Committee on 15 October 2020 with regards to those terms of reference.


Moved by Councillor Stuart Kelly

Seconded by Councillor Steve Foulkes


It was




(1)  the terms of reference of the Strategic Applications Sub-Committee as approved by Council together with the matters agreed by Planning Committee on 15 October 2020, be noted; and


(2)  the Protocol for pre-application and pre-decision Member Engagement Briefings, be approved.