Issue - decisions
Exmouth Street, Seamus O'Donnells
14/12/2021 - Referral from Economy, Regeneration and Development Committee: Exmouth Street, Seamus O'Donnells
A report on the Economy, Regeneration and Development Committee’s recommendations from its meeting on 22 November in respect of the proposed disposal of the Council’s freehold interest in land at Exmouth Street, Birkenhead, to the existing lessee that holds a ground lease of the site and owns the operational public house which is sited thereon.
The report was before the Committee because in accordance with the Council’s Constitution any disposal of assets with a value in excess of £100,000 was reserved to Policy and Resources Committee.
Resolved – That,
(1) the freehold interest of land at Exmouth Street, Birkenhead, (which is held via a ground lease with 56 years unexpired and occupied by an operational public house with a grassed area to one side), be declared surplus to the Council’s requirements.
(2) the Director of Law & Governance be authorised, in consultation with the Director of Regeneration and Place, to dispose of the property to the current lessee, JSM Company Group Ltd for a price of £120,000, plus payment of the Council’s legal costs.