Issue - decisions

Revenue Outturn 2021-22

08/06/2022 - 2021-22 Budget Monitoring for Quarter 4 (1 Jan-31 Mar), 2021-22 Outturn

Resolved – That


(1)  it be noted that the draft, unaudited outturn variance for 2021/22 is a balanced position, after utilising exceptional financing support.

(2)  the requirement to utilise £5.846m of exceptional financial support, in line with the relevant guidance (see Appendix 2), subject to external audit, be noted.

(3)  the Director of Resources be authorised to accept the revised offer of exceptional financial support from the Department of Levelling Up, Housing and Communities as referred to in Section 3.11 of the report.

(4)  the impact of funding and expenditure as a direct consequence of Covid-19, including the additional funding sources which have been identified, as referred to in section 3.10 of this report be noted.

(5)  transfers to earmarked Reserves, as detailed in the report, be approved.