Issue - decisions

National Substance Misuse Grant Funding Update

15/06/2022 - National Substance Misuse Grant Funding Update

Resolved - That


(1)  the progress in mobilising and delivering the three national grant funding programmes (Wirral ADDER accelerator programme, inpatient detox funding and individual placement support funding be endorsed.


(2)  the proposal to utilise the predicted extension of the provision of additional funding to deliver the national drug strategy until the end of the 2024/25 financial year be approved.


(3)  the proposed utilisation of the ADDER programme grant for the 22/23 period (£1.4m) and proposed utilisation of the underspend carried forward from 2021/22 funded by Home Office and Office for Health Improvement and Disparities (OHID), formerly Public Health England be approved.


(4)  the payment of £106K of in-patient detox grant for 2021-22 to CGL/Wirral Ways to Recovery, as part of a contract variation, to re-imburse the additional expenditure on detox placements they have made this year to this amount be approved. This is additional to their budgeted capacity and has been accrued as part of delivering the Inpatient Detox Grant Programme.


(5)  the continuation of the Individual Placement Support Grant (£135,000) for 2022-23 be approved.