Issue - decisions
Leisure and Libraries Consultation Outcomes
20/06/2022 - Leisure and Libraries Consultation Outcomes
Resolved - that
(1) the outcomes of all public consultation exercises for Leisure & Library Services as contained in the “Have Your Say” consultation reports at Appendix 1-4 (Leisure) and Appendix 8 (Libraries) be considered.
(2) the implementation of Option 3, as amended and agreed by Council be approved as the new core operating model for Wirral’s Library Service with a detailed implementation plan to be presented back to a future meeting of this Committee in September 2022
(3) the permanent closure of the leisure pool at Europa Pools, with alternative provision and pool-based activities for children and young people within the main competition pool (and other sites where permissible) be approved.
(4) the retention of the alternative fitness offer within the space previously occupied by the leisure pool at Europa Pools be approved.
(5) the permanent closure of Woodchurch Leisure Centre be approved.
(6) the permanent closure of Brackenwood and Hoylake Golf courses, and the closure of Kings Parade and Wallasey Beach pitch n putt golf courses be approved.
(7) the reinstatement of the tennis offer, and development of community offer at the Wirral Tennis & Sports Centre (WTSC) subject to the implementation of a new model for tennis at the site, established through a partnership agreement with the Lawn Tennis Association as contained in Appendix 5, and with the development proposal submitted by Alliance Leisure in Appendix 6 that will continue to achieve the agreed budget savings for 2022/23 be approved.