Issue - decisions

To Follow- Future of parks tennis

22/07/2022 - Future of Parks Tennis - Acceptance of grant from Lawn Tennis Association (LTA) and implementation and procurement of the future operating model

Resolved – That the Environment, Climate Emergency and Transport Committee:


1.  Authorises the Director of Neighbourhoods to accept the grant funding from the Lawn Tennis Association in the sum of £300,000 to enable tennis court improvement for the Council parks courts.

2.  Requests that Director of Neighbourhoods develops a sustainable operating model and programmes of inclusive tennis activity that prevents low income from being an obstacle to participation in tennis across the borough and brings back a further report to the Committee which also includes detail as to how the model will support social inclusion and overall participation.

3.  Requests that the Director of Neighbourhoods continues to work with the NHS to develop social prescribing opportunities and a borough-wide referral programme.

4.  The Committee also welcomes the provision of £40k funding from the LTA to deliver the LTA Serves Programme which takes tennis into the heart of local communities and encourages residents to become more physically active.