Issue - decisions

Active Travel Fund Tranche 2 - Bayswater Road & Leasowe Road

21/10/2022 - Active Travel Fund Tranche 2 - Bayswater Road & Leasowe Road

Resolved (7:4) – That


(1)  the implementation of a mandatory cycle link along the A554 Bayswater Road/Harrison Drive, Wallasey, as set out in Appendix 1 of this report be approved; and


(2)  the Director of Regeneration and Place be authorised to:


(a) Submit a change control request to the Liverpool City Region Combined Authority to withdraw the Leasowe Road scheme from the Active Travel Tranche 2 programme;


(b) Submit a change control request to the Liverpool City Region Combined Authority to enable £111,000 of budget previously allocated to the Leasowe Road scheme to be allocated to the A554 Bayswater Road/Harrison Drive scheme be submitted; and


(3) an associated virement so that the budget for the proposed mandatory  cycle link along Bayswater Road/Harrison Drive is increased from £70,000 to £181,000 be effected.